551 Chebogue Point Rd

Installed September 07 2023, 9 months ago
9.2 kW DC | 7.0 kW AC | 1.31 Ratio

You can select a date range above to view daily production data for this system. If you select the same day twice you can view production data in Watts at 5 minute intervals throughout that day. Comparisons to other systems can be made with either time series providing data is available for both systems.

kWh/kW DC

156 kWh


kWh/kW AC

205 kWh



72 kWh


Total Production in period

1,436 kWh


Best Production in period

64 kWh


Average Production in period

50 kWh


| Watts Up Solar maintains a database of real energy performance from our installations, made available to inform and engage the public about the benefits of renewable energy. We hope that our technology can provide valuable insights and empower informed decision-making about renewable energy investments. We also utilize this performance data in our proposal software to ensure accurate system sizing and performance estimates in a one of a kind process.